General Intensive English Package

Learn English for Everyday Life - Our Most Popular Package!

Improve your general English with a focus on speaking and listening.  Study intensively to improve quickly.

Study 18 periods per week: take 1 Intensive Speaking & Listening class (2 periods daily, Monday-Friday) and 2 different Special Topics classes (each Special Topics class is 1 period daily, Monday-Thursday). In total you will study for 4 periods per day Monday-Thursday and 2 periods on Fridays.

This package is ideal for new arrivals to Seattle and professionals looking to build speaking confidence and increase their vocabulary.

This is a full-time package suitable for students with F-1 student visas.

What You'll Learn

  • Speaking skills: hold conversations, ask questions, explain your opinions and experiences
  • Listening skills: understand English-language news, movies, and music in addition to following conversations in English
  • Vocabulary for your daily life in Seattle
  • US culture and the cultures of your classmates
  • Grammar to express basic and complex ideas

Package Details

  • 4 periods daily, Monday-Thursday, 2 periods on Fridays
    • 1 ALPS period = 50 minutes + a 10-minute break
  • Each ALPS session is 4 weeks long – take 1 or more sessions
  • Beginning to advanced levels
    • We’ll give you a placement test before you begin class to determine your level.
  • Small class size guarantee – 3-8 students per class, 8 students maximum.

Included Classes

Tuition: $1370 tuition per 4-week session

  • One-time application fee – $150 for F-1 visa students, $50 for all other visa types
  • Facility & Activity fee – $35 per 4-week session
  • Medical insurance – $175 per 4-week session
    • F-1 visa students are required to have medical insurance at all times. However, you are not required to buy insurance from ALPS. If you purchase insurance elsewhere, this fee is not charged.
    • ALPS medical insurance is only available to F-1 visa students on an ALPS I-20.
  • Book fees – $30-90 per Intensive class (Intensive Speaking & ListeningIntensive Reading & Writing, and/or Intensive Test Prep), depending on class and level. You will need to buy new textbooks every 1-3 sessions.